Dr TCM acupuncture clinics were established by acupuncturist Mrs Liu in 1992. Currently, Dr TCM has 4 high-class clinics in Croydon, Kingston, Putney and Sutton.
Book a consultation if you are interested in treatment for:
Back Pain, Stiff Neck, Sciatica, Migraine Arthritis, Stress, Eczema, IBS, Infertility and Wart Removal.
Back pain is the largest single cause of sickness absence from work, and for many people, it can be a chronic problem. At least half of people with back pain have recurring problems. ​
Dr TCM clinics have been treating back pain problems for nearly 30 years, have accumulated abundant clinical experiences, and have proudly helped thousands of customers beat back and neck pains. Treatment is tailored accordingly to give the maximum effect.

Chinese medicine may be used on its own or in combination with IVF or other forms of assisted reproduction. In a recent study, Chinese herbal medicine and acupuncture have been shown to result in a high success rate of pregnancy in infertile couples (Journal of Chinese Medicine 2006; 80; 20-8). It has shown improvements in the quality and number of eggs and in the thickness of the uterine wall, all of which could help to explain its success.
Chinese medicine treatment is tailored to you as an individual. The practitioner will take note of your medical history, the characteristics of your menstrual cycle, and your general health. The aim of treatment will be to regulate the cycle and support ovulation or implantation. A minimum of three months’ treatment can be expected in the case of unexplained infertility.
Traditional Chinese Medicine’s view of the body places little emphasis on anatomical structures but is mainly concerned with the identification of functional entities.
Chinese medicine is excellent in the treatment of eczema, psoriasis or acne skin disorder. The herbs will help to reduce or eliminate itching, and reduce the inflammation of the skin; acupuncture is also helpful to relieve stress, reduce the itchiness and improve the healing process
Quit Smoking
Acupuncture helps to stop the craving, and also helps with the withdrawal symptoms. In addition, taking herbal tea to detoxify the lung.
In Chinese medicine, the treatment of arthritis involves the herb remedy which is effective in reducing the swelling in acute arthritis and acupuncture which is usually helping to relieve the pain.
With regular acupuncture treatments, some lifestyle changes, and herbal tea, a lot of success and immense relief of symptoms observed in those suffering from Irritable bowel syndrome (IBS). Acupuncture helps reduce stress which often causes IBS symptoms.

Drinking slimming tea is one of the most effective ways to achieve weight loss. The Lushanjiu (green999) herbal tea bags, high-quality green tea blended with other natural herbal ingredients, is a tasty slimming tea infusion. It helps remove the excessive fat in the body, and lowers the blood pressure and cholesterol; aiding digestion, stomach and intestinal functions, promoting metabolism, reducing water retention, and acts as a detox tea eliminating toxins.
Drinking tea twice daily and a 3 months course is highly recommended. Each box of tea is £12 (20 tea bags), and 3 boxes (one month supply) is £36